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Sources of weather information for Omarama Airport
The Southern Alps and the McKenzie basin can present demanding weather conditions.
In the summer strong westerly, northerly or north west winds can, at 7 to 10,000ft, generate standing wave with consequent low level rotor and downwind turbulence from the ridges. The result is moderate and often severe turbulence in transit and demanding circuit and landing conditions. Winter is characterised by more stable conditions but low cloud and fog are not uncommon.
The webcam is located to the North East of Omarama looking over the basin from Benmore Peak.
Free weather information
Glider pilots operating out of Omarama use Regional Atmospheric Soaring Prediction (RASP), Windy, Metvuw and SkySight for current and predicted soaring conditions. The following free links will provide weather information for Omarama.
From October to April a 10am daily weather and operations briefing is held in the Omarama Terminal.
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